Dear ESBRA Member,
Trying to improve the servive for our members, we will put presentations from past ESBRA Meetings online, accessable for ESBRA Members only. All presentations are kindly provided by the speakers.
To open or download the presentations, please double click on the title.
Please see the list below.
ESBRA Nordmann Award Meeting 2014 (Sofia) ´
=> Treating depression in alcohol dependent patients (J. Chick)
Jonathan Chick, UK
=> Liver and Alcohol (I. Mouzas)
Iannis Mouzas, Greece
=> Child trauma and alcoholism in women (I. Mouzas)
Iannis Mouzas, Greece
ESBRA started publishing a quarterly newsletter in August 2022. Here, you find a list of ESBRAs published newsletters:
- 8/2022: 2022 issue 1