
20th ESBRA Conference Brussels

The next ESBRA Conference will be held in Brussels 4 > 6 September 2025 at the University.

The President is Prof Philippe de Timary.

The call for symposia will be launched soon.

The European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism was founded in 1988 as a non-profit scientific international organisation.

The objectives of ESBRA are:

  • to promote European medical and biological research on alcoholism and alcohol effects and
  • to disseminate information on biomedical problems arising from use and abuse of alcohol.

The society promotes European scientific cooperation amongst its members by organising meetings, lectures, seminars, congresses and by exchange of researchers. The most important ESBRA event is the biannually organised congress, where the latest results and developments in European biomedical research on alcoholism are presented.

The official journal of ESBRA is Alcohol and Alcoholism, which contains peer-reviewed papers on biomedical, psychological and sociological aspects of alcohol effects. This journal is published bimonthly by the Oxford University Press, jointly with the British Medical Council on Alcohol.

Alcohol and Alcoholism,  2023 impact factor is 2,8